Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Blog Post #11

Reflecting on the various topics my fellow classmates discussed during the EOTO 2 Presentations, I can say that advancing technology is crazy and almost impossible to wrap your head around. We are currently living in the future and there are so many other places that we can go regarding technological advancement. 

While people in the past thought that in this day in age we would have flying cars, we have yet to create such a luxury, but have advanced in many other ways that one would have never been able to predict such as the creation of Chat GDP, Clear in airports, street monitoring cameras, social influencers, etc. While there are no flying cars, the artificial intelligence that surrounds us as a society today is extremely concerning.

Specifically, one of my fellow classmates, Paige Jones, discussed the 5 eyes which is a "cooperative intelligence network that monitors the electronic communications of citizens and foreign governments." She told us that the 5 countries included in the 5 eyes are the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand creating the largest intelligence network in the world. This was my first time every hearing about the organization.

I personally liked Jones's connection with the topic as she said during her presentation that this is concerning as countries have found a loophole in being able to break their own countries' privacy laws, but ultimately it is for the good of the people. I believe that this organization should have a bit more oversight because this could easily start being abused. With the concern of corruption with American intelligence agencies, I cannot imagine the corruption and concerns that might follow the 5 eyes.

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