Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Blog Post #7

One new invention that has increased in popularity in my lifetime is the Apple AirPods. Innovations can be viewed through the lens of the diffusion theory which "seeks to explain how and why new ideas and practices are adopted, including why the adoption of new ideas can spread out over long periods." As shown in the image, the diffusion theory has five stages: the pioneers, the early adaptors, the early majority, the late majority, and the laggers. 

Viewing the invention of the Airpods through the lens of the Diffusion Theory: 

  • The pioneer of the Airpods was the company Beats. 
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      Beats sold wireless earbuds and headphones starting in 2012, but not many people used them besides runners, gym goers, or anyone else the wireless earbuds and headphones would benefit, so they did not have to deal with a pesky cord. 
    • In 2014, Apple bought Beats.

  • The early adaptors were those who first bought the Apple Airpods when they were released in December 2016. 
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      In September 2016, Apple released the iPhone 7 without a headphone jack and to use regular wire earbuds or headphones, customers had to use an adaptor and could not charge their phone and listen to music at the same time unless they invested in a special dual adapter. 
    • In December 2016, Apple released the Airpods, and those who did not want to deal with an adapter and wanted to try new technology, especially those who were technology and Apple product enthusiasts, purchased the new Apple Airpods. They were also released during Christmas time, and I specifically remember a fair amount of my peers asking for them for Christmas. 
  • The early majority began when more and more people began replacing their old iPhones and purchasing new ones that did not have the headphone jack. 
    • As people started seeing how easy it was to use AirPods and not have to deal with a tangled cord that could easily break or get lost, more people started to purchase AirPods.

  • The late majority joined following 2019.
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      In 2019, Apple released the new AirPod Pros featuring new unique features. 
    • In 2020, Apple stopped giving away earbuds and the adaptor for the headphone jack with the purchase of an iPhone. Apple also released the Airpod Max which is a wireless headphone. 

  • We are currently in the laggard stage. 
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      As the price of AirPods went down, popularity increased, dupes were released, and concerns with Bluetooth decreased, the acceptance of this new technology increased. 
    • Some people today even make fun of those who have headphones with cords or "fake AirPods" so getting in on the trend is very important to younger generations. 

One downside when it comes to this new invention is that people are expected to have the latest form of technology, but this is not feasible for everyone. Apple makes money by slowing phones and other technology devices down after two or more years in an attempt to get people to upgrade as Apple is an organization and their goal is to make money. 

Also, many older generations are not purchasing AirPods as there is no reason for them to as they do not use technology the same way that younger generations do (to make phone calls, listen to music, utilize noise cancellation when studying, working out, etc). Older generations stick to listening to the radio or CDs rather than their phone. Finally, another concern with AirPods is the question of whether Bluetooth causes cancer or other health issues.

Overall, for younger generations (if there are no health risks) the benefits outweigh the negatives, as AirPods make our lives easier, which is ultimately the purpose behind new forms of technology. 

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