Sunday, October 22, 2023

Blog Post #1

 BLOG POST #1  Tell us about your TOP FIVE SOURCES OF NEWS AND INFORMATION. Link to them so we can check them out. Write ONE PARAGRAPH for EACH ONE telling us why you like them and why you would recommend them to us.

  1. Fox News 

    1. Fox News is a known conservative news organization. I have the FoxNews app on my phone and follow them on Instagram. With my busy schedule, it is nice to get notifications about when there is breaking news or something I should be aware of rather than just relying on social media. As a student and student leader, it is very hard to try and stay informed, so I used breaking news notifications to stay aware of various events. Depending on what is happening in the world, possibly read the news story more in order to have a better understanding. I believe it is a well-known organization that is reliable, hence my recommendation.

  2. Newsmax

    1. Newsmax is also a known conservative news organization. I know their political bias and take their articles with a grain of salt, but I like to know what is happening in the world from a conservative view. I also use the Newsmax app on my phone to check for breaking news and update myself on United States and world events. I compare what I read from Newsmax with Fox News in order to help form my own opinion on issues. Because of their learning, I will see what they are prioritizing on their website, app, and social media and do research on it using other websites. I do this in order to stay well roundly informed. 

  3. Heritage Foundation  

    1. The Heritage Foundation is a non-partisan think tank. Their mission is “to formulate and promote public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.” I like using their website and articles to find out about how various conservatives are thinking about specific policies and other political issues. The Heritage Foundation is useful for those who are interested in political issues or doing research for projects on various political issues. 

  4. Poplitics  

    1. Poplitics is not a news organization, but rather a show run by Turning Point USA. The host, Alex Clark, discusses various pop culture hot-button topics dealing with anything from celebrities to movies. There is no political leaning even though it comes from Turning Point USA. It is a great easy way for me to stay up to date on pop culture and be aware of what is happening in society. Turning Point USA describes it as: “a daily show for those who love pop culture - without the propaganda.” 

  5. Peers

    1. This is not necessarily a source, but a way for me to determine what is being talked about in society. I use my peers and what they are talking about and posting about in order to see what I should be paying attention to and researching whether it be news or pop culture related. This is also helpful as I get to see what’s talked about in different settings and within different age groups. I listen to what people are discussing and if it relates to current events, I will look it up later and research it.

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